Outside of time and space as we know it, plans were laid for a radio series chronicling the adventures of Doctor Who. Specifically, it would star Peter Cushing playin a version of The Doctor that fell somewhere between the character he played on the Silver Screen and William Hartnell's abrasive curmudgeon. Serious plans it seems, because Malcolm Hulke even got to script it.
Ultimately, production fell, but decades later some engaging folk have had a crack at the opening instalment, so you can judge it on its merits.
I rather enjoyed it. Try for yourself.1/2 Now released into the wild, the new re-recording of Journey Into Time, Malcolm Hulke's opening episode of the abandoned 1967 Peter Cushing/Dr Who radio series! https://t.co/WNxtXQOp0j pic.twitter.com/7K9souuL1Q
— Richard Bignell (@NothingLane) November 23, 2020